
Get Pumped on Hefty

Pitch work — one of two concepts that won the account.

THE ASK: Create engaging work that interrupts people’s trash bag routine purchase and shifts consumer purchases to Hefty by making them aware of their innovative programs that turn single-use plastics into useful items that last.

STRATEGY: Join Hefty on its journey to make small changes that add up to strong results.

GOAL: Balance the lighthearted, humorous tone of Hefty with the more serious topic of single-use plastic waste challenges and mitigate negative reactions to Hefty’s sustainability messaging.


Hefty is known for being strong and affordable. So when we work to strengthen recycling programs across the country, you know the results are going to be anything but wimpy. In fact, Hefty has already helped convert over 350 tons of hard-to-recycle plastic into useful items that last. And the more folks choose Hefty, the more we can accomplish. Yes, there are lots of reasons to get pumped on Hefty.

Pumped iconWe turned the H in “Hefty” into a dumbbell and created a visual shorthand for the campaign and the brand’s sustainability efforts.

Pumped icon

We turned the H in “Hefty” into a dumbbell and created a visual shorthand for the campaign and the brand’s sustainability efforts.

hefty cart baby.png


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Open on a woman with huge arms in the checkout lane. Her toddler son is sitting in the shopping cart. She’s buying Hefty bags when the cashier strikes up a conversation. 

CASHIER:   (Speaking of the woman’s big arms) Looks like someone’s pretty pumped. 

MOM:    Yeah, pumped on Hefty. They support programs that turn hard-to-recycle plastic into useful things that last, like park benches and building materials. 

The cashier hands the box to the toddler, who instantly gets huge muscles. The mom tries to lift him out of the cart but he gets stuck because his muscles are too big. He giggles sweetly. 

SUPER:   Get pumped on Hefty

ART CARD: Strong bags. Low price. 



ART CARD:   Get pumped on Hefty. 

Open on a mom with very large arms. She flexes her right bicep, revealing the words "STRONG BAGS" in bold letters. Then she flexes her left bicep to show the words "LOW PRICE.” When she lowers her arms and flexes both at the same time, we see that “350 tons of hard-to-recycle plastic converted” is written across both arms.

MOM: You want some of this? How ’bout a little of that? Or maybe this? Oh yeah, there are lots of reasons to get pumped on Hefty. 

ART CARD: Strong bags. Low price. Strong sustainability.


BABY :10

VO:  Strong bags, low price and strong sustainability efforts. Get Pumped on Hefty.

Strong bags, low price and strong sustainability efforts. Get Pumped on Hefty.



PUMPED PHOTO OP: This fun, Instagram-worthy photo op gets shoppers pumped about Hefty.SUBHEAD COPY: When you buy Hefty Tall Kitchen Trash Bags, you’re helping us convert hard-to-recycle plastic into useful things that last, like park benches, toys a…

This fun, Instagram-worthy photo op gets shoppers pumped about Hefty.

When you buy Hefty Tall Kitchen Trash Bags, you’re helping us convert hard-to-recycle plastic into useful things that last, like park benches, toys and building materials. 

PUMPED PARK BENCHES: These pumped up benches could be made with converted hard-to-recycle plastic. BENCH COPY:  When you buy Hefty, you’re helping us convert hard-to-recycle plastic into useful things that last. Like park benches. 

These pumped up benches could be made with converted hard-to-recycle plastic. 

When you buy Hefty, you’re helping us convert hard-to-recycle plastic into useful things that last. Like park benches. 



PUMPED FOR A PURPOSE: We’ll partner with charitable organizations like Habitat for Humanity or Toys for Tots and pump up their events.  The events could include building homes, putting together adaptive play equipment, or even handing out toys. And …

We’ll partner with charitable organizations like Habitat for Humanity or Toys for Tots and pump up their events.
The events could include building homes, putting together adaptive play equipment, or even handing out toys. And everything we do will be turned into shareable videos for social channels.



Shelf talkers in the shape of what the hard-to-recycle plastics can be converted into.

PUMPED UP IN THE AISLESUBHEAD COPY:  When you buy Hefty, you’re helping us convert hard-to-recycle plastic into useful things that last. Like park benches, toys and building materials.


When you buy Hefty, you’re helping us convert hard-to-recycle plastic into useful things that last. Like park benches, toys and building materials.


Agency: Periscope
ECD: Heath Pochucha
CD: Kym Ohna
CW: Chris Bluma


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